Babies Links from Giftaplant

Babies Names

Find Baby Names by Sex, Ethnic Origin, Meaning and More! Choosing a baby name to be proud of is the most important gift you can give a child. The right baby name can contribute to personal and professional success. We have over 50,599 baby names and meani

Baby Names World

Since names last a lifetime. A site with a huge library of possible names for your future child!

Baby Name Meanings

20000 baby names with their meanings, popular baby boy and baby girl names, pregnancy advice. baby names book.

Baby Names Country

Baby Boy and Girl Names from all over the world!

Name My Baby!

Find the Meaning of a Baby Name - Find the meaning of your Baby Name from our extensive Baby Name Meaning database at

123 Baby Names

Looking for baby names? Whether you’re looking for baby names for your boy or girl, or if you want to find out the origin of your own name, offers a vast collection of names and information about them from all over the world.

Raising Kids

If its about raising kids... its here!

Baby Name Story

Boy baby names and girl baby names, meaning of names and the origin of names.

Just Mommies

Over 8000 member submitted baby names. Store your favorite names, vote in our top 100 names or submit your favorite name.

Jellybabies Baby gift Store

Baby gift store, Our baby gift selection includes boys & girls baby clothes, baby shoes, and accessories for a great baby shower. We also have recipes that your baby will eat and a baby name tool, offer some free parents and baby advice and tips.

Find baby names

You\'ve just arrived at the best baby names directory on the web! Featuring thousands of names for both baby boys and girls, including information on name origin and meaning, this will be your first and last stop when deciding on a baby name!

All about Babies

Free Baby Web Sites Interactive Tools & Resources Personalized Calendars For Your Baby FREE Baby Stuff & Special Offe

Baby and Parenting Club

Is the only online community you\'ll ever need

Baby gifts & baby names, unusual & rare

We have a growing database of unique, unusual and rare baby names for parents to be that are looking for something a bit more unusual or unique to name their child with. We also have many modern baby boy names and baby girl names.

Potal for Babies

Parenting articles for raising happy, healthy children from conception to graduation. Use our baby names tool, ovulation calculator, pregnancy due date calendar, and online parenting videos & forums.

Pregnancy, baby and toddler health information at BabyCentre UK

BabyCentre is all about creating a personal experience for you. Start by answering a few simple questions and you\'ll see the site change to reflect your stage.

The Baby Website

Unsure about pregnancy symptoms, thinking of a baby name, looking to buy baby equipment? The Baby Website is the UK\'s brightest pregnancy and baby website. Get advice on child birth, breast feeding and see what stage your bump is at in our pregnancy calendar.

Essential guide for new parents with advice on everything from Braxton hicks contractions to potty training

Baby Name Finder

Welcome to the iVillage UK Baby Name Finder. Millions of people have used our collection of over 10,000 names to find a name for their baby-to-be or to learn what their name means. Browse our Baby Name Dictionary for an alphabetical list, or go straight to Find It to customise your search for the perfect baby name.

Baby Names

If you have searched for Baby Names then \"Congratulations\" must be in order. Whether you are the mother or father of a new boy or girl, a member of the family or a close friend you are sharing in a major life event and taking a serious interest in choosing a special boy or girl name from one of the thousands of boy and girl baby names that are available. Check out the Baby Name Meanings and the Baby Names Dictionary.

Unique Baby Names Meanings, Baby Boy Names, Baby Girl Names

A name inspired by your personal beliefs is a powerful way to give your baby a profound connection to their faith. Explore the ethereal side of baby naming

Baby Names, Meanings and Origins at Baby Names World<

Search over 27,000 baby names, meanings and origins! We have boy names, girl names, top names by year, naming forums and more to find the perfect baby names

Find the Meaning of a Baby Name

Find the meaning of your baby name from our extensive Baby Name Meaning database at

Baby Names UK over 15,000 girls boys, meanings

Over 15,000 UK baby names with meanings, resource to help choose a name for newborn boys or girls.

Baby Place: Pregnancy, Birth and Babies

A parenting resource for all aspects of pregnancy, birth and baby care. Includes free stuff for parents, health resources, morning sickness treatments, children\'s games, products, books and more.

Baby Shops Online - Baby shower and new baby gifts, infant and maternity products.

Baby shower and new baby gifts, infant and maternity products, and clothing for the entire family.

Focuses on children\'s health issues focuses on children\'s health issues, including immunizations, nutrition, safety, child psychology, childhood diseases, pediatrics and more

Parenting and baby advice and information

UK Parents Lounge is the place for parenting advice, information or general discussion in our forum, UK Parents Lounge is a portal for parents with advice, information and news on pregnancy, parenting, babies and more, with a lively discussion forum

Christening Gowns from England

hristening gowns, christening dresses, christening accessories and christening gifts - everything available for immediate shipping.

Kids Directory, Parenting, Kids Education, Teen Life, Online Shopping offers related links related to child care, parenting, babies, education, entertainment, family, teen life, toys & games, baby product, online shopping, showcases for kids art.

Parenting information and product reviews

Product reviews, parenting tips and advice for parents

Baby Place: Pregnancy, Birth and Babies

A parenting resource for all aspects of pregnancy, birth and baby care. Includes free stuff for parents, health resources, morning sickness treatments, children\'s games, products, books and more

High Chairs - Baby High Chair

My High Chairs is a specialty store that specializes in providing a wide range of high chairs kids of all ages.